Exemption Policy

Associate of Kenya Institute of Bankers

The following sets out the guidelines and procedures relating to the application and processing of exemptions under the Institute’s Associate Examinations.

1. Application for Exemptions

Applications for exemptions must be made on the prescribed form and must be submitted together with the appropriate fee i.e. Kshs. 2,000 non-refundable fee plus the prevailing examination fee per subject for each subject in which exemption is being sought.

2. Number of Subjects For Exemptions

Applicants (except those holding equivalent ACIB passes) will not be exempted in the following core subjects:-
a) Monetary & Financial Systems
b) Law and Practice Relating to Banking & Finance
c) Lending
d) International Trade Finance

3. Exemptions To Holders of ACIB Qualifications

Candidates will be exempted for equivalent papers passed as follows:-

Law & Practice Relating to Banking & Finance
Law & Practice /Law Relating to Banking & Finance
Management & Organization
Management & Organization
The Monetary & Financial Systems
The Monetary & Financial Systems
Financial Reporting Analysis & Planning
Financial Reporting Analysis & Planning


  1. Investment 
  2. Insurance
  3. Law & Practice for Mortgage Lenders

4. Exemptions To Holders of CPA (k) Qualifications

CPA (K) holders will be exempted from the Financial Reporting Analysis and Planning Paper, and other relevant subjects at the discretion of the Examinations Board.

5. Post-Graduate Degree Holders & All Other Professional Qualifications

Exemption will be on subject to subject basis except for the core papers identified in two above.